Humidification System Solutions

MicroCool delivers everything you need in a state-of-the-art industrial humidification system!

MicroCool’s solutions for industrial humidification have a diverse range of applications. From keeping warehouse workers cool in the summer with unrivaled efficiency to reducing dust and increasing humidity for medical device manufacturing facilities, there’s a MicroCool system to cover all industrial applications for many industries. Our industrial humidifier uses and benefits extend to highly-specialized applications in small spaces with specific humidification needs; our systems are capable of delivering various humidification levels to multiple zones. MicroCool’s team of humidity design specialists will work with you to formulate the perfect industrial humidifiers for your industrial humidification and manufacturing processes.

Clean Rooms

  • Reduce fugitive dust
  • Bacteria free fog

Cold Stores

  • Reduce shrinkage
  • Extend perishables life


  • Reduce static electricity
  • Maintain set points

Factory + Mfg.

  • Improve worker comfort
  • Optimize efficiency

Food + Beverage

  • Extend perishables life
  • Reduce shrinkage


  • Optimize propagation
  • Grow year-round


  • Improve shell density
  • Optimize chick growth

Indoor Spaces

  • Reduce virus transmission
  • Increase worker comfort

Paper + Packaging

  • Reduce cracking
  • Reduce shrinkage


  • Maintain material integrity
  • Prevent distortion


  • Reduce static electricity
  • Reduce paper jams


  • Reduce static electricity
  • Prevent thread breakage

Wine + Spirits

  • Reduce Angel’s share
  • Reduce topping off


  • Reduce distortion
  • Reduce warping

Yoga + Fitness

  • Clean, quiet humidification
  • Eco-friendly

Humidification By Industry

Humidity levels must be maintained at optimum levels in industrial settings, just as they must be maintained at optimal levels in modern indoor climates. Many sophisticated and complex components within contemporary equipment are susceptible to moisture fluctuations. Industrial environments have always needed and struggled to maintain humidity levels at the necessary level, but modern technological advances have made this increasingly important and achievable.

It is generally acknowledged that controlling humidity is an important component of maintaining a healthy internal atmosphere with good indoor air quality, and this is true whether you’re living or working in a particular space.The relative humidity (RH) in the air can have a big impact on building materials such as textiles, plastics, carpets, and insulation. For example, in the winter months, when air is too dry (relative humidity below 40 percent), it will cause electrostatic discharge, some materials will cup, crack or have dimensional changes. These material issues, due to dry outside air, can cause failures and poor product quality.

Furthermore, as a result of RH, stored materials may be compromised and machinery may become unreliable, disrupting the production process and reducing production efficiency. These are among the growing concerns in many industries today.

MicroCool industrial humidification systems are just what you need to make your operation more efficient, effective, and reliable. We can provide you with a no-cost consultation to determine the best evaporative cooling system for your application, that will also maintain proper humidity levels required by your industry. Let’s take a look at applications for proper humidification by industry.

The 3 Important Features of Industrial Humidification

In essence, industrial humidifiers are used for three primary purposes: to decrease or eliminate static electricity buildup, to preserve inventory, and to create a healthy and secure workplace for employees and clients. For these reasons, your industrial space requires industrial humidification systems.

Reducing and Eliminating Static Electricity Buildup

Ignition-caused fires or explosions, delicate electronic components being damaged, and electric shock to humans leading to accidents such as a fall are all examples of typical problems that businesses confront. Mechanical elements with bearings that get sparked through the oil films on their surfaces can also be harmed.

All of these are compelling reasons for facilities to invest in the best industrial humidification system possible to manage and maintain high moisture content levels. When the moisture levels are too low, static accumulation is bound to happen.

Humidifiers are especially important in many industries that are particularly vulnerable to static electricity buildups. They include, but are not limited to packaging, printing, paper, textiles, electronics, automobile manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals.

Modern manufacturing firms require proper humidification systems to regulate and control moisture levels for safe operation, especially in the service industries. Industrial equipment is expensive, worker safety is essential, and efficient production is critical for industrial enterprises. These are reasons why you should not hold back on getting the relevant industrial humidification systems that your industry requires.

Keeping Inventory, Machinery, and Buildings Safe

Another major industrial application for humidifiers in industrial settings is to prevent the formation of excessive moisture, which in turn leads to costly damage. Extreme moisture levels, both high and low, can harm inventory, materials, equipment, and structures if left unchecked.

Because industrial jobs are prevalent all around the world, industrial applications will vary depending on the local climate and the particular work environment. Nevertheless, regardless of where you look, industrial firms want to acquire efficient humidification systems that can precisely control safe levels of moisture while requiring as little upkeep as possible.

Museums, libraries, storage warehouses, antique car restoration companies, automotive manufacturing, automobile paint booths, clean rooms, cold storage rooms, and a variety of other businesses are examples of such industries.

All of these industries are considerably influenced by adding humidity, which is used to manage proper humidity in the spaces. If there isn’t correct humidity, produce will go bad, precious materials will be damaged, equipment will break down, and building structures will collapse from the inside out.

Creating a Healthy Environment for the Workforce and Customers

Finally, one of the major functions of industrial humidification systems is to create a healthy, secure workplace for everyone involved. This ties in with the other two uses because static electricity build-up and mold growth in structures are both hazardous to employees’ and consumers’ health and safety. It is paramount that workplace safety is never compromised at any time.

Thus, industrial enterprises are responsible for ensuring the safety and health of their employees and customers in their industrial settings. They are also responsible for controlling high moisture levels and sanitizing the air with an innovative humidification system. When this has been done, workers and clients alike will be healthier, and they’ll also be more comfortable. This, in turn, improves production efficiencies at work and increases participation in the long run.

The three primary functions of industrial humidification systems in businesses have expanded in importance as automation has improved. Certain processes within the industry need precise temperature and moisture control to create high-quality goods and assure safety. Every sort of business, however, might profit from one or more of these applications of industrial humidification systems. That is why you must know where to look to discover the finest industrial humidification equipment tailored specifically for your industry and warehouse space. This, in every way, makes the manufacturing processes smooth and increases efficiency.